Since 2005, the MOSFA PAC has been a part of the political scene in Missouri. We have grown to be an important political action committee, participating in statewide, state House and Senate campaigns, providing over $100,000 to candidates and committees in the recently completed election cycle. Here some answers to frequently asked questions about the MOSFA PAC.
What is MOSFA PAC’s relationship with State Farm Insurance Companies?
MOSFA PAC is not associated with State Farm in any way, other than the fact our members are agents and employees of the company. Our positions are just that, our positions. While our viewpoints are often similar to those of State Farm, we do not ask State Farm, nor or we told by State Farm, what those positions should be or who we, as a political action committee, should support or oppose.
Who is responsible for the operation of MOSFA PAC?
MOSFA PAC is governed by a Board of Directors, currently comprised of State Farm agents representing the Missouri AFOs as they existed in 2012, as well as at-large directors not tied to a particular AFO. With recent and on-going changes in State Farm’s management structure, it may be necessary to make changes in the PAC’s board representation model as well. The PAC board will review the new territories during 2013. To view photos and biographies of current board members, visit the Board of Director's tab on this website.
What does it cost to be a member of the PAC?
Agents and Associates can become a part of the PAC by making a financial contribution. The best way is to have an automatic payment made through your State Farm Credit Union. On this website under the membership tab is a form that can be printed, completed and emailed that will start a monthly or twice-monthly contribution. There are several different levels of participation available.
Who can participate in the PAC activities?
Any member, agent or associate is welcome to attend and participate in our PAC board meetings, annual meeting and other events during the year.
Is MOSFA PAC affiliated with a particular political party?
MOSFA PAC operates independently and is not aligned with any political party in the state. Our contributions and activities are intended to reach statewide officeholders, state Senators and state Representatives, regardless of their party.
What is MOSFA PAC's level of participation in federal elections?
MOSFA PAC is organized as a political action committee under Missouri campaign finance laws and is not authorized to participate in any federal election. Therefore, we do not contribute to Presidential, United States Senate or United States House of Representative candidates.
Where does MOSFA PAC's money go?
Contributions received from our members are then contributed to political candidates or other political action committees. Normal operating expenses are also paid during the course of our business activities. The Board of Directors decides to whom contributions are made and the amount of those contributions.
Why should a State Farm agent or associate join the PAC?
The MOSFA PAC exists to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of individuals to public office in Missouri. Further, our PAC provides guidance and influence on legislative matters pertaining to insurance issues within the State of Missouri. The Missouri insurance consumer’s best representative on the public stage is State Farm and its agents and associates. As a part of the insurance industry, agents and associates need to have someone representing their interests. MOSFA PAC fills that need.
Missouri State Farm Agent's (MOSFA PAC)
Political action committee
Copyright © MOSFA-PAC.